How do I send Onboarding & Learn reminder notifications?

This article details how you can send onboarding & Learn reminder notifications to users.

To issue onboarding reminders:

1. Open the navigation on the left and click 'Staff Onboarding, Onboarding Forms'.

2. Click the eye icon in the Action column to the right of the relevant onboarding form.

3. Use the search box in the 'Not started' section to search for the user.

4. Click the bell icon in the Action column to issue the reminder notification.


To issue Skillko Learn reminders:

1. Click the 9 dots located in the top right corner and click 'Trainer'.

2. Click 'Training Courses' from the menu located on the right.

3. Select the eye icon in the Action column to the right of the relevant Learn course.

4. Use the search box in the 'Attendees' section to find the user.

5. Click the bell icon in the Action column to issue the reminder notification.
