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How do I reset my password?

Steps on how to reset your password or send a password reset to one of your users.

1.On the Skillko Login page, enter your email address then click "Next".

2. Click "Forgot your password?".

3. Click 'Send new password'.

4. Click the 'reset your password' button in the email that was sent to the email address entered.

5. Enter a new password.

6. Confirm the new password.

7. Click 'Reset Password'.


8. Login with your email address and new password.

*Please note the password rules below:

- A password input with at least 10 characters, combination of upper & lower case letters, numbers and at least one special character (!,@,#,$,£,€,%,^,&,*,?,_)
- If the password does not meet our policy it will show an orange exclamation icon and keep the Confirm Password input and Reset Password button inactive/disabled
- If a valid password is detected it will show a green tick icon and enable Confirm Password input and Reset Password button