Steps on how to delete/archive a user's profile.
1.Open the navigation on the left and click 'Training Compliance', then click 'Profiles'.
2. In the search bar, type in the name or the email address of the person's profile you are searching for.
3. Click 'Edit Profile' in the top right corner side of the user profile.
4. At the bottom of the user edit page there is an 'Archive Profile' button and a 'Delete Profile' button.
5. Click the 'Archive Profile' button, then the 'Confirm' button to archive the user's profile. A user's profile can be unarchived, refer to FAQ how to unarchive a user for steps on how to do this.
6. Click the 'Delete Profile' button, then the 'Confirm' button to permanently delete the user's profile. This can't be undone.