This articles explains Skillko's New Supply Chain feature which is launching in the coming weeks. The feature enables you to onboard contractors, manage, evaluate and renew items such insurance, safety statistics and the value of their supply chain
Supply Chain Management
Built in line with existing clients feedback & requirements, we have built a product that allows companies to onboard, manage & evaluate their supply chain 10 times faster than existing methods. The feature allows your team members to approve their section of the onboarding document, rather than a paper-base document being passed through departments.
It's a very simple process to set up once the Supply chain feature has been added to your Skillko account.
1. Click 'Supply Chain Management', then click 'Partners' in the navigation on the left.
2. On this page, you can click 'Create a Contractor' to begin a new PQQ for a new contractor.
3. Fill in the fields on the 'Contractor Details' page and click 'Next'.
4. On the 'PQQ Details' page, enter the PQQ expiry date and template and click 'next'.
5. You can then select the PQQ Administrators and HSEQ Stats who will approve the documents which are uploaded by contractors. The contract will then be set up.
6. Click 'Dashboard' to navigate back to the Skillko Supply Chain Dashboard which shows you the status all the pre-qualification questionnaires (PQQs) on the account.
7. Clicking the number in any of the boxes will give you more information on the PPQ and allow you to 'review pqq', 'view contractor' and 'send reminder' if not yet complete.
8. Clicking 'Review pqq' will show you a greater insight to the status of the PQQ.
9. Here, you can see the 'Current Task', 'Section Progress', 'Latest Updates and also the 'Overall Progress' which tells you what percentage of the PQQ has been complete.
10. Under 'Section Progress', you can view the information the contractor has been asked to provide by clicking 'Go' beside the name of the section.
11. On this page, the documents they have uploaded can be approved by clicking the thumb up icon, reject/ask for move information by clicking the 'BLUE i Icon'. Comments can also be left on the separate sections that will message directly to you Supply Chain partner.
12. Once the contractor has uploaded all documents included in the PQQ and they have been approved, it will move into the 'Approved PQQ' box on the Dashboard.
13. The Supply chain register allow you to see, search & evaluate all of your contractors in one place. You can tag & report on your supply chain under sections such as:
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Etc, Etc
- Contractor
- Supplier
- Agency
- Consultant
In addition to this, you can change the status of your supply chain as per below which give your company the visibility of your approved supply chain.
- Approved
- In progress
- Suspended
- Rejected
- Blacklisted